Working with a client some time ago, using the fast and very effective MAP Method (Make Anything Possible) we ran into problems and the treatment could not have been continued. The MAP method is based on the Process Healing Method created by Dr Garry Flint in the early 1990s.

Besides the regular protocols for more or less any issue occurring on the physical, mental or emotional level, that causes disruptions and blockages in the flow of life, this method includes also protocols to treat and remove energetic attachments and spirit intrusions from the Personal Energy Field.
While the regular protocols focus on treating and neutralizing memories with a negative emotional charge and use the function of the Self, called Subconscious or Super Conscious, to work on them, the extended protocols focus on the level of the Soul and the spiritual journey.

They use as a working instance the Higher Self (HS) that can be seen as a projection of the Soul to provide the current Self – the expression of the incarnated Soul as you or me – with powerful support and guidance. The HS and the Inner Wisdom work in a team to identify and remove entities from the Personal Energy Field of a person.

My client – I will call her Sara - was 58 when she came to work with me. She suffered from a heavy Post-Traumatic Stress-Disorder (PTSD) with symptoms on the emotional, mental and physical level. She grew up in a dysfunctional family together with seven of her siblings and was heavily traumatized. She was abused not only by her parents but also by her older sister and her older brother. Describing herself she says that she "somehow survived her family."
Sara's father was a Vietnam War veteran. He was a very angry, quick-tempered man, a drinker who could change his mood from “normal” to furious in no time. He liked to punish and beat up their children verbally and physically for any reason or even for no reason. Her mother never tried to stop him from doing wrong. Also she tended to be verbally and physically abusive with her kids. She never rewarded or commended her children. The children never heard "sleep well" or "I love you."
Sara described her childhood as a "cold and dark place." There was "no place to hide." She doesn't remember a lot from her childhood. For her, the best way to deal with it was to forget about it.
Sara described herself as a torture survivor. One of her siblings committed suicide. One another tried it but could be rescued. Three of her siblings have suffered from heavy drug issues. Her younger sister died from overdose of prescription drugs and alcohol. Also, Sara has drug problems. She smokes up to 30 cigarettes a day and tends to alcohol overuse. She is ashamed of it.
When we started the healing work together she shared that she often experiences strange things going on in her life, for example she easily gets in argument with somebody apparently for no reason. She often suffers from unpleasant body sensations and body pain. The physical check and different tests she took, could not explain those issues and the intense pain she often feels. Sometimes she hears voices. Sometimes she experiences heavy dreams, wakes up sweated and panicking.
After working with Sara for a few weeks, the treatment progress lessened and became then very sluggish and loaded with lots of interruptions and disturbances. After a good progress for some time Sara started to experience more emotional discomfort, anxiety, and extreme body pain again.

Then in one session, we discovered dark energy structures in her Personal Energy Field. We have been able to remove them. In the next session, I encountered blocks in communication with the Subconscious. The responses I got from her via ideomotor signaling sounded strange. The term ideomotor is related to an unconscious or involuntary bodily response or movement made in response to a question, a thought or idea rather than to a sensory stimulus.
I noticed that I wasn't sure anymore with whom I was communicating. In the same session, I ran into something strange like powerful intelligent energy that was difficult to communicate with. Middle in the procedure I heard Sara anxiously saying “my grandfather!”
Sara's grandfather died during the Second World War. His ship sunk taking almost the entire crew to the ground of the sea.
A few sessions later, the communication with Subconscious or Higher Self was not possible anymore. We needed to stop and look for solutions.
Sometimes later information about a very interesting book was sent to me. I could not believe it! It was all about working with Ego-States, the creations of the Self, about working with energy attachments, intruding spirits, and other entities. It was like a scientific-based exorcism.
The author of this book is Dr Tom Zinser who developed his method, that he named the Soul-Centered Healing Method, working with a High-Level Guide, Gerod, who was channeled by the institute’s secretary Katharine Mackey.

Thanks to Gerod’s help Tom could create an extraordinary system of procedures and protocols just perfect to work on issues including the integration or removal of the Ego-States, past lives Ego-States, Spirits and spirit’s creations, Dark Energies, Dark Souls and Extraterrestrial Entities, attached energies, energetic intrusions, Objects, Devices, and Autonomous Intelligent Energies, and more.
I went back to work with Sara and we could integrate or remove a variety of about 20 energetic attachments, intrusions, and implanted devices and objects. We are not done yet, but Sara is doing much better.
You may wonder how this method does work? Excellent! In the next blog, you can learn more about it.
If you don’t want to wait on my next article, especially if you are suffering from strange symptoms and any treatment you tried didn’t work, just book a free consultation and ask me questions. I will see you then.
With Love and Light!
Aloha, Dr Jen
Advanced Energy Clearing